Indiia Wilmott & Mrs. Pansy Ann Wilmott

Indiia Wilmott is an actor and teaching artist. Currently based in Austin, Indiia is a teaching artist with Creative Action, a voice actor/on-camera host for the online learning company, Edgenuity and is on the board of Hidden Room Theatre. Some of her favorite theatre credits include; Dance Nation (San Francisco Playhouse), Bootycandy (Black Artists Contemporary Cultural Experience), Zenith (San Francisco Playhouse), all of what you love and none of what you hate (San Francisco Playhouse), and Lucia Berlin:Stories (Word for Word/Z Space).  When she’s not immersed in her life as an artist; Indiia enjoys dancing in her living room, baking, video chats with friends and laughing with her husband.

Mrs. Pansy Ann Wilmott was born April 4, 1930 in Nelson Country Virginia. She is the mother of 9 children, 16 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She worked at Waynesboro Community Hospital for 40 years. She started out working in the dietary department, but in 1967 when integration finally reached Virginia she was allowed to take the CNA test and she moved permanently into nursing services. She describes herself as “born to help other people. I was put on this Earth to work in this field (nursing). We all have gifts and we won’t be happy until we use them.” She enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with family.

